Thursday, July 2, 2015

Reno Day 5: The Biggest Little City

I have been frustrated with equipment issues this trip. Oh, not with the motorcycle equipment, but with the electronic equipment I brought along. I had decided to travel lighter this time, so instead of packing up the laptop, tablet, reader, and phone, I thought I'd just use my tablet and my phone for all my reading and blogging needs. I should have tried it all out first, but as usual time got away from me and I never got the chance.

The first night on the road, I downloaded the Blogger app onto my tablet, emailed the pictures I took from my phone, and sat down to write about the day. Well, the app seems to think that because a tablet is a mobile device, when you blog using the tablet app, all you can do is keep a running blog. Huh. Well, that's a little dangerous on the motorcycle, so I guess that equipment option is out of the question. So I resorted to my phone. The phone app is a little better than the tablet app, at least I can add a picture -- even if I can't put it where I want it. 

Now that we are in the Biggest Little City, I decided to go shopping. I got a lightweight, low cost laptop to use when we travel and I blog. The trip across town to the nearest Best Buy was an adventure all in itself. Downtown Reno is much like any other city in America during construction season -- cone zones everywhere. So, along with the one-way streets in the downtown area, comes the added pleasure of detours. And it's especially helpful when the detour signs are laying on the ground. Next to the curb. Behind the string of parked cars. Anyway, I found what I was looking for and now I'll be able to do this with less hassle -- I hope. 

So, here we are in Reno, NV, called the Biggest Little City We have a nice room on the 8th floor of the El Dorado Hotel & Casino with a view of workers setting up for the BLC Wings celebration this weekend. 

The first time Donna and I had ever stayed in Reno, we stayed at the Silver Legacy for the Women's National Bowling tournament. Neither of us placed, but we had a blast while we were here. We must have gambled more at the El Dorado than the Silver Legacy that year because we get all kinds of "come visit us" email. Last year we got a complimentary room when we passed through on our way home from the coast. 

We're still talking about what we want to do tomorrow, so stay tuned. 

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