Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sturgis: On the Road Again

The annual motorcycle pilgrimage has begun. This morning, Lin, Donna, and I mounted our steel ponies and headed north to Sturgis, South Dakota.

Our day started around 7:30-ish with coffee and conversation. As usual, we chatted longer than intended and finally got our butts in gear and loaded the bikes. We finally got out of the driveway and off to Vern's Place for breakfast around 9:30. As usual, the food was very good.

The first leg of our trip started on I-25. This year, we decided to take the county roads out to Wellington and grab the Interstate there instead of Fort Collins. We gassed up and headed to Cheyenne. North of Cheyenne we took US Hwy 85 toward Torrington.

Having tested the range of the bikes on our trip to Pagosa Springs earlier this summer, we decided to skip one of our usual gas stops (next year we might skip two). Normally, we stop in Lusk, WY, for gas, but this year we skipped Lusk and rode straight through from Lingle, WY, to Edgemont, SD. About a mile or so before we reached Edgemont, Donna had to turn on her reserve tank.

Overall, today's ride was pretty uneventful. The weather was just about perfect when we hit the highway, with not a breath of wind in the air. That changed the further north we rode. By the time we reached Lusk, the wind kept trying to push us around. For the most part, the wind was behind us, but every once in a while the road curved around and the wind would broadside us.

We were able to make the ride with fewer stops this year, which makes a faster trip. We arrived at our camping cabin just outside of Rapid City before 7:00 PM. This year we rented a camping cabin at the Happy Holiday Resort. We are a little closer to Rapid City, which might or might not be a bad thing, I'll let you know.

So begins another adventure on a motorcycle.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa Jae - what a start! Early(ish), more efficient ride, and decent weather! Off you go :)
