Monday, August 8, 2016

Sturgis: Hail No!

The day started a little later this morning than expected. On the other hand, the night was much longer than expected. An hour or so after we turned the lights out, while we were still tossing and turning trying to get comfortable in unfamiliar beds, lightning and thunder rolled across the Black Hills along with the rumble of motorcycles. At one point, the thunder rumbled for almost two minutes as heat lightning lit up the clouds and our metal water bottles rattled against each other.

We woke to blue skies and sunshine. After breakfast, we headed to Black Hills Harley-Davidson, a regular stop during the rally.

Now, Lin is the only Harley rider in the group, but even us Honda riders can find a deal or two at BHHD. The vendors sell all kinds of accessories for more than just Harley-Davidson motorcycles. We found some new-fangled tie-downs to try out on the ATV and new mirrors for my Honda.

After we finished walking around and looking at accessories, it was time to find a bit of air conditioning and cold beverages before stopping for a few groceries on the way back to the cabin. As we left the bar and rode toward the store, our eyes turned west, to the clouds building up and moving east. We would have to make it a quick trip though the aisles.

The clouds were blacker and closer when we came out of the store. We quickly packed the bikes and headed back to the cabin. Watching the clouds, we rode the handful of miles and got everything into the cabin moments before the sky opened up.

For the first time in my life, I saw golf-ball sized hail. The weirdest part of the storm was hearing the hail before I saw it. I could hear them hit the road as they traveled across the highway, then they ripped through the trees around the cabin, losing enough energy that they didn't damage our bikes.

Some bikes out on the highway weren't so lucky. We heard reports of broken headlights, cracked windshields and a few minor injuries, but nothing serious -- as far as we know.

That was our excitement for the day. Tomorrow we ride to Deadwood. Wish us luck!


  1. Hail... Glad you weren't out in it. I got caught once, back in my younger, and much dumber, helmetless youth. Pea size but it sure stung. Good luck at the tables.

  2. Lin said a guy came into the bar last evening after it happened, and his heads and arms were bleeding. He said he had taken a couple of hits while riding. I guess it caused a couple of wrecks, but it doesn't sound like anyone was seriously injured.
